Figma vs sketch
Figma vs sketch

If that is the case here are some things to keep in mind. Maybe you have to pick one for work or a project. I can imagine that you want to pick a tool as your preferred tool, just like the company I mentioned earlier. It will greatly enhance your chances of landing your next project or job.

Figma vs sketch how to#

If you don’t they will just pick any of the other candidates who do know how to work with the tool they use. If you want to sell them something, work with them or join their ranks, you better know how to use the tool of their choice. That tool can be Sketch, Figma, or something else. Clients with existing design teams have a preferred tool. There’s more to it than just new tools being easy to learn. Clients might require you to use different tools If you know one, learning a second tool takes little time. If there will be a new design tool in the future, I am sure it will be easy to learn as well. It took me just a few hours to get used to both of them. Since I knew Photoshop before, the transition to Sketch and Figma was very easy. That wasn’t that difficult because I had experience in Freehand. After that, I had to learn to use Adobe Photoshop. The same goes if you are familiar with other design applications.I used to use Macromedia Freehand when I was very young. Since Sketch and Figma are similar applications, it is quite easy to learn both if you already know one of them. That’s the thing and here comes my main point. This feeling of similarity will only increase over time. Heck, they even look very, very similar when you take a look at their interface. They both feature plugin integration, collaborating via cloud services, and more. The list of features of both applications is similar. There’s a pattern between these two applications. In time the gap will disappear and the features will become more and more similar. Of course, the application that had the feature first will have a better feature at first. Figma now supports plugins just like Sketch does. Sketch now has Sketch Cloud to counter Figma’s collaboration power. However, both applications are moving closer together if you look at features, as is the case with competitors. Figma scores big points on collaboration. To give you an example, Sketch has great plugin support. Most discussions you see on the matter focus on the features of the tool, like collaboration, artboards, or how the interface looks.

Figma vs sketch