On1 photo raw fuji
On1 photo raw fuji

The straw that broke the workflow-camel’s back for me has been my loss of confidence in Adobe and Lightroom. After 10 years of using Lightroom, why I’m leery of continuing with it Read on for more elaboration and the details comparing Lightroom in my real world assessment. On top of that I shoot Fuji X-Trans cameras which have been a special challenge for developers of raw processors. This is saying a lot as I’ve been using Lightroom daily for 10 years and have more than 130,000 images cataloged with it. I’ve already established in previous reviews that ON1 Photo Raw is a top choice of mine for non-destructive raw processing but I want to expand on that: I am in the process of moving towards ON1 Photo Raw as my main workflow hub. Those of you that know me or my reviews know I like to give the bottom line first. Special Fuji Section included (below) Bottom Line First I got a lot of great questions so I’ll incorporate those in this assessment of using the new release of Photo Raw 2018 in a real world workflow. I just got back from Phoenix conducting a seminar at the Arizona Highways Focus on Photography Symposium entitiled: A New Age in Raw Workflow with ON1 Photo Raw. I’m now transitioning to ON1 Photo Raw 2018 More details in the review After 10 Years of Using Lightroom This image is from an X-Trans raw file (Fuji sensor.) These are normally a big challenge for raw processors but I was able to process it quickly and effectively with ON1 Photo Raw 2018 using 2 of my favorite filters- Dynamic Contrast and Color Enhancer.

On1 photo raw fuji